Express your Gratitude every day and see how great you feel
Hello Thankfulness,
For years I have kept a gratitude journal and found it a great way to reflect upon the amazing life I have in front of me. Some days, when things don’t go all that well, it is hard to find the words to express what you are grateful for. But as you put the words down, your mood changes and you rest well knowing that small things can be appreciated as much as big things.
Tonight, why not crack open a journal (you know the one you have in a drawer waiting for inspiration to hit) and start a daily practice of gratitude.
It should take you about 5 minutes or longer if you include finding a pen that works .
Here is what you do:
- Crack open the journal.
- Write the date.
- List 5 things you are grateful for. They can be big or small. On a difficult day, it could be as simple as having a blanket to cover you while you sleep or your beautiful new tooth brush that you got at the dentist after he filled your cavities.
- Just write them down.
- There is no judge, no right or wrong, just simple gratitude.
- Reread what you wrote and then close the journal.
- Take a deep breath knowing you are thankful for what you have.
- Try if for a week and see how you feel.
I know for me, it makes me a happier person who sees the joy in every snowflake, appreciates the strong breezes and accepts the challenges I receive to enable me to learn a new lesson.
May your night be filled sweet thoughts of gratitude.
To thankfulness,
Jo-Ann Blondin, your 9CupChallenge partner

Be thankful for what you have. A sign we saw at a temple in Thailand.
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