Juice Bar in Dubai Airport – A shot of wheat grass and a veggie juice with a wonderful salad starts my travels to Thailand and Malaysia
Hi food adventure lovers,
My hubby and I are back from our adventure in Thailand and Malaysia. What a trip! Over the next couple of days I will be sharing some of the amazing food we ate along with recipes from the cooking classes we took. I will also share travel tips of what to bring with you when you eat a restricted food program.
The first stop in our 28+ hour trip was to Dubai Airport. In the sea of western restaurants (yes Burger King and McDonald’s were there), we found a juice bar that also had a meat- and dairy-free salad. The guys were so amazing – they even gave me fresh squeezed lemon juice and olive oil for my salad. I had a shot of wheat grass with a bit of pineapple as a chaser. I also ordered a juice that was made of beets, carrots, celery, apple and ginger. I was powered up for the next 17 hour flight!
Let me also share that I started our trip with the greatest of intent of eating a diary-free, gluten-free and sugar-free plant-based program. I adjusted my thinking to really enjoy the amazing food in both countries.
I totally enjoyed being more relaxed but was also aware of the food that gave me a headache that next day so avoided them there after – who wants to feel sick on vacation. I also consumed bread and diary on the flight home and have had a headache and sinus challenges for two days so I am happily back to my healthy eating approach.
May your life be filled with adventures, great family and friends and fabulous food.
To your adventures with food,
Jo, your 9CupChallenge partner
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