In Malaysia at Upward Yoga Studio in 2012. Even vacation over seas did not stop me from my practice. I was blessed to have Ninie Ahmad lead the class.
Hello My Yoga Mat,
I missed you. For over a year I was doing yoga and Pilates up to 5 times a week. Recently, my wrist started to really hurt me – as in constant pain. So when I visited my chiropractor, I asked if I should continue with yoga. He replied with a “listen to your body”. So I took a break – one that was timed with my vacation. Instead I did hikes, cycling, canoe trips, kayaking and swimming. I actually did a long swim that I challenge myself to every year at my parents cottage. And after that swim, my wrist hurt but it was not constant any more.
Last week, I was totally focused on completing case studies for my year end exam with school and used Pilates and yoga as a reward for getting my work done. While that is a good motivator, it also means you might not get there in time or will miss the class altogether. I made it to one Pilates class and the teacher’s car broke down so I did my own routine as I had committed to being there. The next day I attended a yoga class. And boy did I realize how much I missed it.
I slept better, my back was not as tight, my breathing improved and my posture was straighter.
So I committed to going as part of my day – not as a reward for good behavior.
Yesterday and today I did Pilates and yoga and it felt amazing. I pushed myself and tried to keep up but was surprised how much flexibility and core strength I had lost in just a month of different routines to keep active. Today after yoga, I left with a smile and determination that I will rebuild my flexibility, core strength and stability.
I do think it is important to listen to your body and to include other activities to ensure all your muscles get a chance to shine and to reduce the repetitive strain from doing the same exercise every day. That is why I mix up Pilates and yoga and go to different instructors. And on the weekends in the warmers months, I get outside to do activities that are available for a short time only.
If you have tried yoga or Pilates and you have not attended lately, I encourage you to recommit. You will find it a great way to manage stress and reduce muscle pain. Even once a week will help. And if you have never tried one or the other, why not give them a try this month.
Drop me a note below and let me when you will attend your next yoga or Pilates class. I will send you a note to cheer you on!
And if you are in Malaysia, why not check out Upward Yoga.
To recommitting to yoga and Pilates.
Jo-Ann Blondin, you 9CupChallenge partner
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