Jo-Ann Blondin with her final transcript from CSNN
Hello Celebration,
Today I picked up my transcripts at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and I PASSED. I am officially a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, RHN.
I achieved all of my goals – getting a final grade in the high 80s, achieving the required 50 hours of practicum but actually doing 192 hours, attending countless external practicums achieving the max allowed but really completing more than 200 hours, completing my Reiki Level 1 and Level 2, completing the 14 case studies plus 3 more, completing the courses with over a 90 average and passing the final board exam. Did I mention I am goal oriented.
So today I celebrated with a lunch at RawAura with some classmates (including amazing dessert) and tonight, I am watching season three of Downton Abbey with a tall glass of green juice.
Life is good.
Thank you to all of you for your support, kind thoughts and encouragement as I made this huge transition in my career. They say it takes a community to raise a child, well, it takes a community to change your life course. I truly am grateful to all of you.
Much love,
Jo-Ann Blondin, your 9 Cup Challenge Holistic Nutritionist and wellness journey partner.
Jo-Ann, just looking through your blog again and I can’t believe I didn’t congratulate you on your graduation! I remember seeing the post when I was out and about and meant to do that when I got home … So now, almost six months later, you get to re-experience the excitement! I was so thrilled for you, not just for graduating but for doing so well. You are such an inspiration! I can hardly wait to see what you do next 🙂
Dear Jo, Sorry for not congratulating you earlier! But I did that in person! And I just love to give huge hugs in person where I can see your beautiful face light up! You are a inspiration to us all to eat cleaner, and healthier! Many hugs your BFF Heather
Heather, my BFF, I am so happy you did congratulate me in person and celebrated with me by creating meal that was 100% clean eating and 100% wheat- and dairy-free. I felt so loved and special. You continue to inspire me with your own personal growth and adventurous spirit. Looking forward to more time together, Jo-Ann
Congratulations Jo-Ann! Here’s to continuing your amazing journey. I wish you much joy and success. Big hugs to my Organic Sister!
Thanks Anita. To embark on such an career change and lifestyle change is difficult but having amazing supportive friends like you that make the journey way more easy and a lot more fun. Thanks for all your incredible support and best of luck with your own blog http://www.theorganicexperiment.com.
To Organic Sisters who are making changes starting with looking at our self first,
Congratulations Jo-Ann! That’s fantastic! But I alway knew you would do well.
The Daniluk Consulting Team wishes you well!
Cheers, Julie
Thanks Julie. I continue to learn and grow through the support and kindness that Lynn, Alan and you have shared. The entire team at Daniluk Consulting is making a huge difference in the world through the work you do by helping people learn about foods that heal inflammation. Thank you to the team at Daniluk Consulting – I am very grateful for your support and kindness.
To Meals That Heal Inflammation,
Congratulations, Jo-Ann! What a great accomplishment, and to do it with such flying colours – you should be (and deserve to be) very proud. With all best wishes for great things in this exciting next stage of your life!
Thanks Katherine. I love how we have both used our blogs as we have created new chapters in our lives. I continue to learn from you how to engage a community.
Check out Katherine’s blog at http://atthemanse.wordpress.com/ which has great local community comments.
I will be dropping by soon to celebrate the many milestones we have accomplished in the country and the city.
To new chapters in life, Jo-Ann
Way to go Jo… We never doubted it. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us! Keep being amazing! Celebrate!
Thanks Erin and Ken. Thanks for the confidence building sessions and believing in me. It is a pleasure to help you. I will bring over some green juice to celebrate soon. Jo-Ann
Congratulations Jo!!
What a satisfying achievement. …and so well deserved.
Can’t wait to share your excitement this weekend.
Jo Anne
Thanks Jo Anne so the encouragement over the last two years of my life change and as I became healthier and dropped the 50 lbs. A great friend through think or thin. I look forward to celebrating with you this weekend.
Cheers, Jo